August 15, 2018 (4:32 AM)

2 min read


SS Dragons brought the gold for this year’s Ignatian Cup Debate which featured motions on prevalent issues in the use of social media. Photo by Loraine Rubi

Accountancy (ACC) A and opposition Social Sciences (SS) B engaged in a fiery exchange of arguments on different issues prevalent in the use of social media, with the SS B winning the championship in the Ignatian Cup debate and ACC Griffins taking the extemporaneous dialogue held at the Finster Auditorium.

The SS B bagged the championship with the motion, “This house believes that it is legitimate for victims of sexual harassment to publicly reveal the identities of those who harassed them.”

ACC Griffins Faye Allen Matas and Klyza Castri won the extemporaneous dialogue by agreeing to let the university regulate the social media accounts of its students.

“The opposition side would like to impose a justice that is fair, just, and reasonable as it serves its purpose and caters not just to the victim, but [also] to the accused,” opposition whip Dessa Caballero wrapped up her team’s arguments.

“This university is actually honing its students to be professional, and our social media accounts are actually reflections of what we truly are,” Matas explained her view on letting the school regulate its students’ social media accounts.

Awarded as the Best Speaker of the championship round, leader of the opposition Brian Joseph Unabia thanked his teammates for helping him improve his skill as a debater.

“I believe that I was able to achieve that point because of my teammates who are very supportive of me, who are really helping me in improving myself… If you believe in yourself even though you are not that good in the first place… you will be able to hone your potential,” Unabia told Atenews.

“Very happy is an understatement because… it took me a lot of sacrifices and courage to actually join the extemporaneous dialogue… It’s a great honor to represent my cluster,” Matas expressed her elation after their win.

School of Engineering & Architecture (SEA) placed third in the debate while Business & Management (B&M) and School of Education (SOE) placed second and third in the extemporaneous dialogue, respectively.

The Ateneo Debate Varsity spearheaded this year’s Ignatian Cup.

End the silence of the gagged!

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