August 17, 2015 (8:06 AM)

3 min read


Photo by Adlin Joey Almencion

Photo by Adlin Joey Almencion

Following the college fiesta, the AdDU community held its first-ever Alumni Fiesta at the Martin Hall yesterday, Aug. 16.

The Alumni Fiesta started with the Holy Mass led by Fr. Rene Ocampo, S.J.

After the mass, there were activities conducted throughout the fiesta. These include a series of audio-visual presentations dedicated to the Alumni community, raffle draws and games for the Alumni attendees, and a mini-concert which featured bands from the university faculty and students as well.

“For the alumni, we can have events for them to attend to celebrate the fiesta also. Even if they are already out of Ateneo, they will still remember at least the feast of the Assumption which they had been celebrating while they were in school.

“Another reason is to strengthen the alumni association and they will entice them to come back,” Atty. Maria Luz Floresta, chair of the AdDU Alumni Association shared the purpose of the said event.

Throughout the event, there was low turnout of Alumni participants who attended at the Martin Hall. But for the alumni attendees, they felt happy and enjoyed with their first Alumni Fiesta.

“I’m very happy to attend [the] first Alumni Fiesta, but it’s sad because hindi masyadong marami [ang] nag-attend,” Antonio, an alumnus from batch 1974, said.

“For me, it’s a success because it is time na ang college magkaroon ng sariling place where they can gather. This is the event na you can gather the college level of Alumni where ito yung opportunity na at least we are back home in the university. At least na-gather kami lahat dito,” Charlie, an alumnus from batch 2004, said.

“For me, it’s a one of a kind experience. I personally like joining events like this and for me, it’s fantastic,” Sherry, an alumna from batch 2005, said.

The Alumni Board together with the Alumni Office and the assistance of the School of Business and Government (SBG), specifically the marketing students, organized the Alumni Fiesta.

“Maybe next time around, we plan ahead. Since this is the first and then, people will learn that we really staged it, na natuloy talaga siya. That’s already one way of promoting them the event for next year if it will happen and that they know another event like this will happen next year, which will be a promotion by itself.

“I don’t really mind na konti ang dumating. Ang sa amin lang, ang importante ay natuloy siya. Maybe next year, the next thing to do is to promote it more,” Atty. Floresta said on the future of the Alumni Fiesta.

End the silence of the gagged!

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