February 26, 2014 (12:19 PM)

1 min read



In aid of helping the students raise their concerns with the school and administration, the office of the SAMAHAN Secretary-General held the ViewFinder: SAMAHAN Student Summit last Feb 19, 2014 at the Roxas open field.

The panel of administrators were present to listen and answer all questions from the students. Two members of this panel includes University president Fr. Joel Tabora, S.J. and SAMAHAN president Robin Tongcua.

The ViewFinder ambassadors were able to focus on the major issues including tuition fees, teacher related concerns, school facilities, grading system and the campus security using a survey that they conducted.

Open forums were also done for a direct interaction between the students and administrators to be able to share the concerns and opinions to the administrators.

“ViewFinder was really helpful kasi malaman ng admin yung mga issues ng mga students na hindi usually ma-raise ng mga student kasi matakot,” Debbie Bero, a student, said

“This summit may serve as a light to us to brighten the path of our community towards development,” Fr. Joel Tabora, S. J. concluded.

End the silence of the gagged!

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