February 16, 2016 (8:45 AM)

2 min read


Students gathered inside the Martin Hall of the Ateneo de Davao University on Monday morning as they recognized the university’s faculty and staff in the “Araw ng mga Gabay” celebration as part of the first day of this year’s College Days.

The event began as Samahan Central Board Internal Vice President Dexter Villarosa shared his opening remarks and welcomed everyone who participated in the said activity.

“Our faculty and staff really play key roles in our education and in a student’s life. Teachers generate enough our role models: a person with proper vision, knowledge, and experience. We should all know that the teaching profession is a profession of great responsibility than any other jobs. Teaching profession has a greater impact on the development and well-being of the students and our nation as a whole,” Villarosa said.

“Our mentors, our faculty and staff, our teachers really serve an important part of our lives. On an another note, as students and as future leaders of this country, we are called to take active part in nation-building and so teachers are there to guide us and shape us to be well-rounded Ateneans, to be patriotic Filipinos,” he added.

Throughout the event, teachers and staff received gifts from the College Faculty Club.

The audience were then entertained as teachers and students showcased their talents such as singing, playing musical instruments, and dancing.

The Samahan Creative Team (SCT) presented an audio-visual presentation containing messages of sincere gratitude from the students to the college faculty and staff.

One of the college professors who were present in the occasion was history teacher Belma Aquino as she shared a heartwarming message while shedding her tears in front of the audience.

“Teachers will be very thankful for their chosen profession although walang yumayamang titser. But then, we really love our profession. It’s really noble and we thank you, young students, because we keep on learning from you,” she said.

The celebration concluded as SCB OIC-President Khalil Alcomendras gave her closing remarks as she gave thanks to the university’s professors, calling them “heroes” in the lives of the students.

End the silence of the gagged!

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