June 15, 2017 (11:44 AM)

3 min read


There are apparent similarities in the sequential systems of enrollment: glitches, hassles and the coarse clamor of the students in every social media platform. What made this year’s enrollment system slightly different is its all-online nature. But, besides anything else, the same upheaval of students countered the promises of ease and convenience from the newly-established system.

Students were greeted with disappointments on the first day of the enrollment period due to missing subjects on the list. It was succeeded by the untimely shutting down of the system which is the result of the incapacity of the server to accommodate the bulk number of enrollees. The same struggle confronted students who are looking for available required subjects stipulated on their curriculum, but, have ran out of slots because of the competitive nature of the enrollment system. Those who will start late will end up a loser and those who have the immediate access will end up complete.

To formally make a call about the subject matter, a petition was raised by the 4th year SOE students to demand a solution regarding the glitches of the system addressed directly to Dr. Gina V. Montalan, current Academic Vice-President of Ateneo de Davao University. The response to the letter of complaint seemed passive as the previous errability of the system continued to occur putting additional burden to the different department to troubleshoot the problem.

As a consequence, Dr. Montalan’s reputation was called into question while she was held accountable for the adverse changes in the enrollment system. It is not a new thing for the said office to hear similar negative sentiments, however, its mechanisms to fix the mistakes of the previous enrollment process were mostly unreceptive or at least if there were better means, the effect was minimal.

However, the voice of a few is never enough to move those who are in greater power. If students will not fully assert what they think is right, no one will benefit from the actions to be taken by the authority.

Even if it’s true that there can never be a perfect system, a reoccurring problem is not an offshoot of the errors, but rather a result of the inability of the people with sole responsibility to respond to the dynamics of the system. All of the problems that have manifested in the present should have been mitigated if the current administration was truly reflective of the failures the previous enrollment had caused.

About Jupiter Cabig - Laicorum Aeternam

He graduated with a degree in AB Psychology minor in AB Sociology. Right now, he does community work and volunteers in initiatives that promote human rights.

End the silence of the gagged!

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