July 22, 2016 (12:41 PM)

2 min read


Fr. Manzano during the conversation session. Photo by Kimberly Maragañas

Fr. Manzano during the conversation session. Photo by Kimberly Maragañas

Fr. Manzano during the conversation session. Photo by Kimberly Maragañas

The conversation was done in order to highlight how the Jesuit mission is aligned with the needs of Mindanao. Fr. Jomari V. Mazano, SJ, the main speaker, began the talk with a historical background of the Jesuit Mission in Mindanao.

Manzano shared how Mindanao was the first place of establishment for the Jesuit mission.

“If it were not for Mindanao, we [Jesuits] would not be here in the Philippines,” he said.

The talk also touched on how the Jesuits are bringing ministry to the indigenous people in Mindanao especially through education, medical mission and formation. Manzano stated the presence of other Ateneo schools for emphasis.

“Ateneo de Davao University (AdDU), Ateneo de Zamboanga University (ADZU) and Xavier University are geographically located where there can be access to the most number of indigenous people,” Manzano disclosed.

Manzano also emphasized the relevance of the event.

“The theme is relevant since it is important for us to make a reassessment of our relationship with regards to our neighbors especially the indigenous people,” said Fr. Manzano.

Participants also gave their thoughts on the event. Gina P. Villagonzalo, a faculty member and participant stated that she felt a deeper compassion after the talk.

“I felt emotional because I’ve been to the places of the Lumads in Cabanglasan and Mindanao. I also felt a deepened compassion and was called towards checking my lifestyle,” said

The Ignatian Spirituality and Formation Office, Arrupe Office of Social Formation, Campus Ministry Office-HEC, and the Asst. Principal for Formation organized the event.

The said Ignatian Conversation is first to a series of talks for the academic year of 2016-2017.

End the silence of the gagged!

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