August 13, 2016 (6:00 AM)

2 min read


Players take their aims during the darts rounds. Photo by Charlotte Billy Sabanl

Players take their aims during the darts rounds. Photo by Charlotte Billy Sabanl

Players take their aims during the darts rounds. Photo by Charlotte Billy Sabanal

The nine clusters showed off their skills in precision in this year’s Darts Championship held at the 5th floor Jubilee Building last Aug. 12.

Four teams made it into the semi-finals in the Men’s category namely the Humanities & Letters (HumLet) Wolves, the Business & Management (B&M) Vipers, the Computer Science (CS) Chameleons, and the School of Engineering and Architecture (SEA) Tigers.

The SEA Tigers bagged the fourth place, while the HumLet Wolves and the B&M Vipers placed third and second place, respectively. The CS Chameleons proved to be the sharpest shooter among the divisions and won this year’s championship.

For the women’s category, the SEA Tigers, SS Dragons, BM Vipers, and Accountancy Griffins all made it to the semi-finals.

The Lady B&M Vipers won the fourth place, while the ACC Griffins and the School of Engineering and Architecture Tigers garnered third and second, respectively. In the end, the SS Dragons rose above the competitors and was crowned this year’s Champion.

End the silence of the gagged!

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